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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, December 24, 2005

    Progressive Democrat Issue 57: MEDIA ACTIVISM

    Taking down the Treasonous Three (a partial success?)

    I have previously discussed three particular right wing commentators whose actions or comments specifically make them, in my book, traitors to America. This Treasonous Three are Bill O’Reilly (advocating blowing up San Francisco), Ann Coulter (advocating beating up liberals and blowing up the NY Times building) and Bob Novak (outing a covert CIA agent, thus dealing the intelligence war against terrorism a set back). Thanks to the efforts of Media Matters and folks like you, it looks like we have finally gotten rid of one of the Treasonous Three. Bob Novak is leaving CNN. I find it interesting that he is leaving just one week after Media Matters for America delivered nearly 5,000 letters to CNN's Washington Bureau urging the network not to renew its contract with Novak. I think we may have just taken down one of the Treasonous Three! You can see more about this takedown, including a picture of the 5000 letters, on Daily Kos.

    Only two more of the Treasonous Three to go! Can we take down Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly as well? I think it is imperative that we tell American media that we will not accept these right wing thugs advocating terrorism against American citizens. Let me quickly review the cases against Coulter and O'Reilly:

    In his November 8th edition of "The Radio Factor", Bill O’Reilly said the following:
    "And if Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead."

    Bill O’Reilly advocated a terrorist attack on the United States of America. Let us continue to contact his top 4 sponsors and demand that they stop sponsoring a man who publicly has advocated for a terrorist attack on the United States.

    According to his website, his corporate sponsors are:
    · Equifax
    · Life Quotes, Inc.
    · EmigrantDirect.com
    · Tempur-Pedic

    Equifax is one of the "Big Three" credit reporting agencies. I sent an email to their Media Relations contact, David Rubinger .

    Life Quotes, Inc. appears to be part of Quotesmith.com, Inc., which runs www.insure.com, a "comprehensive online customer insurance information service that caters to the needs of self-directed insurance shoppers." The two contacts that I sent an email to are the Vice President of Sales, Brian Gibson , and the Executive Vice President and COO, William V. Thomas .

    EmigrantDirect.com is a subsidiary of Emigrants Savings Bank. I could not find any contact information other than their main helpdesk

    Tempur-Pedic is the miracle NASA mattress people. I sent my email to them at

    Contact these advertisers and demand that they pull their sponsorship of Bill O’Reilly’s radio show. If you want a sample letter, and if you also want to find a list of radio stations that carry his show so you can complain to them as well, please refer to the Daily Kos diary on this issue.

    Ann Coulter’s treasonous statement was to suggest that the Oklahoma City Bombers were only wrong in that they didn’t bomb the NY Times building. In effect, she was advocating a terrorist attack on NYC before al Qaeda actually did it. Her treason pre-dates the treason of O’Reilly and the Bob Novak. But more recently Ann Coulter may have actually incited violence and (according to the Patriot Act) a terrorist attack on Paul Mirecki, the Kansas University professor who's under fire for a verbal defense of evolution against Christian fundamentalists as I outline in previous issues. Days before the attack, this is what Ann Coulter (the same woman who said that the WTC bombers should have bombed the NY Times building) said in an interview she had with Bill O'Rilley (the terrorist advocate who called for the bombing of San Francisco): (from Media Matters)

    [Coulter] complained that several conservative pundits have security details when going to speak at college campuses and stated, "No liberal has to have security. Though I'd like to change that." She also claimed, "I think what mostly encourages violence is [liberals'] incapacity to formulate an argument." As Media Matters has documented, Coulter has said, "I think a baseball bat is the most effective way these days" to talk to liberals.

    Ann Coulter is advocating that people attack you and me with baseball bats. And someone seems to have taken her up on that and attacked Paul Mirecki. Ann Coulter has called for beating up liberals and for bombing the NY Times building. And yet she is still considered a major pundit by the Mainstream Media! COMPLAIN! This is a woman who advocates bombing NYC and beating up liberals and people are LISTENING to her.

    Contact her employers at United Press:

    Tobin Beck, Executive Editor United Press International: tbeck@upi.com
    Letters to the editor: Phone: (202) 898-8000
    Fax: (202) 898-8057
    Address: 1510 H St NW 6th Fl Washington, DC 20005

    CNN frequently picks up her columns and has her as a guest on shows. Please complain to them telling them that they are allowing this woman to advocate hate crimes and terrorism. Don't forget to also THANK THEM for dropping the treasonous Bob Novak. Tell them they also need to stop picking up Ann Coulter's columns because of her treasonous remarks.

    MSNBC also brings her on a lot. Complain to them as well:

    It's time for CNN and MSNBC to stop helping Ann Coulter to spew her false and offensive bile to the American public.


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